STUDY BOOK The power of language and actions, the basis for
COACHING: El poder del lenguaje y las acciones
So far, all the sections described above are steps prior to the real conversation that we are going to have on the date we have committed ourselves to; they are the sections that make up the conversational design.
5. Interpreting: Based on the conversational design that we have made, we obtain our own personal conclusions from our interpretations of the situation that has occurred or that we are going to undertake. In this section, there is a part prior to the conversation and another, which takes place during the conversation, in which we write down the interpretations we obtain from the information we are listening to. From this moment on, we enter a new dynamic, public conversations, where information is shared among different people. 6. Reinterpret: This is the phase where trust is obtained between the people taking part in the conversation, it is what we call, shared background of concerns: trust, we detect whether we are speaking the same language, whether the concerns are the same or not, whether the objectives pursued converge or not, whether the predispositions are positive or not, for this, we must use phrases such as: "I have understood that what you have just said is...", "I interpret that what affects you is...", "you mean that what you intend is....", this is the language of feedback, verifying that I have interpreted the information transmitted correctly, and all this information in a synthetic way is noted down in this section. 7. Postponing : When we end a conversation, we interpret the declaration of the end of the conversational project, which can take the form of a request - offer, or what we call postponing, which refers to delaying the closure of the conversation or declaration of the end of the conversation, to other conversational engagements. We postpone, either because we understand that it is more feasible because we do not obtain the result expected, either because of the negative
European Open Business School
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