Factors intrinsic to the task

Also referred to as motivational factors. They are the source of motivation; they are the real determinants of job satisfaction. They are part of the content of the work itself: personal achievement, recognition, responsibility, attractive work or personal growth. They create the feeling that the work is important in itself, without the need for external rewards.

Susana is comfortable in her job, but does not feel fully satisfied. She feels that her job is uninteresting, perhaps it is the low expectations of advancement in that job that is tempting her to change her occupation.

How to promote intrinsic factors?

• Assigning tasks that enhance responsibility and decision-making. • Providing prospects for progress in the company. • Stimulating initiative. • Setting high but achievable goals.

Motivating factors

Achievement, recognition, attractive work, responsibility, progress...

How to promote it?

1. Setting reasonable, positive and challenging goals. 2. Encouraging people to set personal goals and objectives. 3. Making an action-oriented assessment. 4. Describing clearly and specifically the jobs. 5. Congratulating and acknowledging a job well done. 6. Celebrating successes. 7. Gradually improving the content of the work.


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