perceive that they are not covered. If they are covered, they have no effect. They are related to the conditions in which the work is performed: management style, relations with colleagues, working environment, salary, safety, working conditions, company policy... Every company must ensure that these aspects are properly taken care of.
How to take care of extrinsic factors?
• Creating a good working environment. • Supporting staff. • Improving working conditions: working hours, facilities... • Offering a salary commensurate with the effort and the possibility of incentives.
Carlos's needs related to hygiene factors are not met: interpersonal relationships, working conditions.... This causes him so much discomfort that he decides to change jobs.
Are these stimuli a source of real motivation?
Positive external stimuli
It is often believed that workers can be motivated by positive external stimuli: "pay rises". But once a pay rise has been given, if the work itself is not very motivating, is it not possible that the enthusiasm will be lost until a new pay rise is received? Positive external stimuli should be reserved for occasions that require exceptional effort. They serve to motivate, but their effect is not long-lasting.
External negative stimuli
"Threat of job loss" In order to improve the performance of workers, basic human needs such as the need for security are taken into account. This repeated threat can have the opposite effect and end up producing anxiety and stress. Having this need covered is no guarantee of satisfaction.
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