Interest in the other person gives us more reliable knowledge. It is important to be motivated to get to know the other person. Otherwise it is easy to take the first impression for granted. When I found out that we would be working together on the same project, I thought I should try to get closer to her. We started with casual encounters in the cafeteria, and as I got to know her, I discovered that her presumed haughtiness was nothing more than a mask covering a shy and somewhat insecure personality.
The context
The image we have of others is influenced by the context in which we find ourselves. To get to know someone objectively, we should see them act in different contexts (inside and outside work). The situation determines the type of role we assume in one place or another.
When my friend Luis told me that he knew Jane because of her involvement in the NGO he worked with, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't imagine Jane collaborating in cooperation and aid work.
The halo effect
Why Ruth is surprised that her boss is able to collaborate in a project to help others. She may have linked her haughty and distant manner to a cold and selfish personality.
This is what we call the halo effect, and it occurs when we know one characteristic of an individual and presuppose the others.
How do you perceive others?
We can answer these questions to reflect on the elements that influence the way we perceive any other person:
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