Task-related skills

The candidate must have a suitable managerial profile. He/she should be able to plan, organise, coordinate and control all material and personal resources.

Pablo has a great capacity to organise the task, he is very systematic, he is so rigorous that with him it is impossible to miss deadlines. Luisa has a great capacity to analyse situations and make decisions. However, she finds it difficult to delegate...

What these skills consist of:

• Ability to prioritise different tasks. • Decision-making capacity. • Analytical ability to study different situations. • Imagination and flexibility. • Ability to synthesise, to have an overall vision, ability to integrate different elements into a whole. • Ability to delegate.

Interpersonal skills

It is necessary for the project manager to be able to act as a leader of the work team, which he/she must excite, motivate, encourage and communicate with in an optimal way.

Possessing and developing interpersonal skills will be an indispensable element in achieving team cohesion and optimal performance.

Ramón has a great ability to inject great doses of encouragement and support the team even in moments of weakness.

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