battle. Nothing could be further from the truth, we are not fighting for nothing, we are trying to reach an agreement with another person. If making the final concession allows us to obtain an agreement that is positive for you, we will do it; if making it means reaching an agreement that is worse than no agreement, we will not do it. Finally, do not forget to clarify all aspects of the contract you are negotiating. Keep in mind that not everything we negotiate ends up in writing in the form of a formal contract; but everything we agree to must be complied with and must have the minimum guarantees that the other party will comply with it. Do not leave the details of form for later; they are important and can block the execution of a closed agreement. • Managing tensions: despite everything we have seen and the real significance of negotiations, it would be naïve to think that a negotiation does not generate tensions and that these tensions cannot seriously affect the future relationship of the negotiating parties. Once the agreement has been concluded, it is good to put aside the negotiating role and return to a more personal position. Now you are no longer negotiating and can afford a more friendly relationship that will allow you to openly appreciate the other negotiating party. Future relationships are built on people, negotiations take place outside of the people who are negotiating. It is necessary to depersonalise negotiation processes and understand the other in the role he or she represents; but it is also necessary to be able, once the agreement is closed, to build positively the future.
10.7. A method of planning in negotiation
We indicated in the previous section that it is advisable for each negotiator to design their own set of analysis questions to help them analyse the negotiations, depending on their own personal characteristics and the types of negotiations they must carry out.
The same applies to the negotiation planning method, a method that should
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