behind each other's positioning must be explored. Questions such as:

What will he do with what I give him, or who will he talk to about the agreement we reach?

They can guide you to hidden needs that may not be paramount, but may be conditioning the agreement. At this point it is good to remember Callières' phrase: quoted at the beginning of chapter 2.

Have a quick mind but unlimited patience, be modest and yet firm, encourage the other person to trust you, be charming and, never forget, never lie.

10.6.4. Final stage

The objectives of this phase are:

• Matching resources and needs. • Reach an agreement and contract. • Manage any tensions that may have been left open.

Let us look at the three objectives separately.

• Matching resources and needs : We have to be prepared to make agreements that are different from what we have planned, but that also cover our needs. The objective is to cover what we need and not to get what we are asking for: it does not always coincide completely. • Reach an agreement and make it concrete : in fact, we have already seen that it is necessary to constantly review the partial agreements that are reached. This serves both to check that both parties understand the same thing and to create a climate of trust based on the progress and common ground that is being built. Reaching an agreement is not always easy, as we often feel that offering a final concession that allows closure is like losing a


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