• Sympathy : When we agree with someone and, if we were in their place, we would do the same, a process of sympathy is generated. Sympathy is not a bad thing in negotiation, but we must be cautious, as we could fall into the error of identifying so much with the other party that we could lose our own objectives. • Antipathy: If we do not agree with the other person and are unable to understand their position, or why they are in this situation, or simply do not accept their starting point, we are dealing with a process of antipathy. Be careful, antipathy generates bad personal relations and, like the equal poles of a magnet, causes rejection by the negotiators. Antipathy is a good source of disagreements because of the emotional charge it carries. • Egopathy : If we agree with the other, but are unable to put ourselves in their place, we are faced with the most important trap of listening, egopathy. Apparently, we have the feeling that we are listening; but we only listen to ourselves. • "I'm tired, I've just come down with the flu and..." • "Ugh! Terrible, last week in my house there were three of us with very high fevers". • "...Lately we've had a lot of exhausting work. There's no way to finish the task, because..." • "Don't tell me, we are all overwhelmed from top to bottom. It's hard to believe that the more unemployment there is, the more work we get....". In both cases we do not listen to what the other person is trying to tell us, we simply see ourselves projected and interpret their words according to our reality. This is a great trap that prevents us from listening and causes the other person to stop transmitting information. Let's look at a series of situations, are any of them familiar to us?
• Empathy: If we are able to put ourselves in the other person's shoes
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