Control is one of the managerial functions par excellence. Every project must be subject to a monitoring and control process to verify whether the previous planning is being fulfilled. If we want to make progress, it is necessary to have an indicator that makes it easier to visualise our evolution. We are going to establish a series of guidelines that you can apply in the monitoring and control of your project. 1. Establishment of control parameters with reference to time, cost and quality. What is expected to be achieved? What deviations can be tolerated? These parameters must be concrete and measurable. Vague definitions such as "aiming for fast delivery times" are not useful. 2. Establishment of control milestones and reviews: Specific relevant moments can be marked a priori, control milestones, which help us to verify the real situation in which the project finds itself. At the same time, periodic reviews of the results achieved can be established, comparing them with what was planned in terms of costs, deadlines and quality. Estimates can also be made of the time and cost to complete tasks: are additional resources needed, are there foreseen problems with the staff involved, is there a possibility of completing a work package ahead of schedule? 3. Monitoring plan. The review will usually be carried out by the project manager and in parallel by the client. Determine the type of information to be provided by each resource and how often. The role of the person responsible for each task in the review and the information to be provided should be defined. It is important that all the information is integrated in order to have a holistic view of the monitoring of the project. For this purpose, self-developed documents adapted to the needs of the project can be made available.

4. Measurement and comparison: Information on the required activity is


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