3_7 Carteras de credito I 180718
39 Gestión de Carteras de Crédito (I): Aspectos Clave
• Felshenheimer, J., Gisdakis, P. and Zaiser, M. “Active credit portfolio management” Wiley (2006) • JP Morgan. Europe Credit Research. “Bond-CDS Basis Handbook” (February 2009) • JP Morgan. European Rates Strategy. “Trading strategies in the Sovereign CDS market” (June 2012) • Hess, Kurt. “Bond Relative Value Models and Term Structure of Credit Spreads: A Simpli- fied Approach”. University of Waikato, New Zealand (2004) • Markit. “iBoxx Spread Analytics” (July 2010) • Moody’s Capital Market Research. “Moody’s Market Implied Ratings: Description, Methodology, and Analytical Applications” (September 2011) • O’Kane, Dominic. “The link between Eurozone Sovereign Debt and CDS Prices”. Edhec businness school. (January 2012) • Zhou, Richard. “Bond implied CDS spread and CDS-bond basis” (2008)
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