STUDY BOOK The power of language and actions, the basis for
COACHING: El poder del lenguaje y las acciones
10. Next Conversation Engagement: This can be the consequence of postponing a conversation, of not declaring an end, of a complaint, a request for a grievance meeting or the generation of new concerns, which leads to restarting the design of a conversational project.
Conversational networks generate cyclical learning, i.e. it is a process of advancement and regression, but we understand that it is essential that the people who make up the management and those responsible require conversational competencies to be able to transform the realities and beliefs of the environment, building a new future aimed at achieving the great goal, which is the Purpose (Vision, Mission and Essential Values) that the company seeks.
1.4 The Generative Power of Language.
For centuries, we have considered language as an instrument that allows us to "describe" what we perceive (the outside world) or "express" what we think or feel (our inner world).
This conception gives language a fundamentally passive or descriptive capacity. Language, it was assumed, allowed us to talk "about" things. Reality, it was assumed, was already given, it preceded language and the latter was limited to "describing" it.
Building on developments in the field of the philosophy of language over the last decades, it is recognised that language not only allows us to talk "about" things: language also makes things happen.
European Open Business School
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