STUDY BOOK The power of language and actions, the basis for

COACHING: El poder del lenguaje y las acciones

We say that a conversation is a dance that takes place between speaking and listening, and between listening and speaking. And this is where the problem comes in: lacking listening skills, we constantly generate conflicts that lead to emotional exhaustion with a high cost for physical and psychological health.

From the moment we wake up to the time we rest, conversations are part of our lives. Whether we are protagonists or witnesses, they influence our decisions and the reality in which we live. We usually have a moderate awareness of the importance of the linguistic exchanges we have with other people. We do not notice or distinguish important elements that make them up, and essential aspects that influence the outcomes of those exchanges. This is particularly relevant in organisations, and in the results they obtain with the different conversational frameworks they have and generate. Whether they are sporting, academic, professional, religious institutions, or companies that market products or services, awareness of the conversational space is vital for their growth and development. Without this "awareness", there will be no place for a professional management of this core space in the different human collectives.

Components of a conversation.


European Open Business School

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