Concrete goals act as a stimulus in our day-to-day life by providing us with a horizon that we want to reach.

Participation in design

Ester says she has been pleasantly surprised that the whole team has been involved in the design of objectives; in other projects she had already found them done.

The whole team needs to agree on the target set. Targets should not be set until all approaches to the task have been discussed.

Better results are obtained when objectives are challenging and combine specific and general objectives.

Challenges enhance the experience and skills of team members.

It is necessary to set written objectives and assign specific goals to each individual.

Make sure that people know what the company is trying to achieve and what role they have to play in meeting those objectives.

Increase opportunities for participation and engagement will grow.

What should the objectives look like?

• Specific; clearly identify what needs to be achieved, with no room for ambiguity. Tailor each entry to a 200-300 word text, with at least one link. • Quantifiable; objectively measurable, controllable. Transform 200,000 paper entries into an on-line format. • Agreed; everyone must agree to them and be able to comply with them.


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