unresolved tasks, of papers that pass from one office to another, of projects that fail due to coordination problems among their members, etc.
In addition, having the same purpose is what brings the team together and gives it a direction. Achieving a specific goal is the driving force behind the group's activity.
All members must be very clear about the objective, share it and feel involved in the whole process leading to its achievement.
2.3. Advantages of teamwork
These are the main advantages of working in a team.
• Breadth of knowledge: A team has more information at its disposal than any of its members alone. • Diversity of approaches: Working in a group makes it possible to have different points of view when it comes to making a decision or planning a project. This undoubtedly favours the enrichment of both the work process and personal growth. • Increased effectiveness: A functioning team achieves better results than could be achieved by working individually. • Motivation: Feeling integrated in a team is an instrument that favours motivation towards work. • Participation increases acceptance. Decisions made with the participation of all members of a group are more widely accepted than decisions made by a single individual.
2.4. Dimensions of an equipment
A team rests on the balance of four pillars that converge and complement each
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