2. W hat is a team
2.1. Definition
If we were to resort to arithmetic to check the result of this additive operation (1+1=3) we would be wrong. However, for us it serves to graphically illustrate the team concept. Teamwork, under optimal conditions and circumstances, offers us results superior to those that would be obtained from the sum of the individual work of each of its members.
In the following we will focus on the elements that define the concept of a team in order to understand what it means to work in a team.
2.2. What is a team
A team is a group of organised people who have a common goal. From this definition we highlight two fundamental concepts:
• It is organised • It has a common goal
How can a project be successful if each member of the group works on his or her own? The simple addition of individuals does not form a team. If there is no backbone of its members, we are dealing with a gathering of people, i.e. a group of individuals. An example would be an orchestra: The instruments must be synchronised, under the coordination of a conductor and following the same score. Otherwise, the result could be a failure.
This situation is similar to the world of work if we think of the amount of
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