be unable to make interesting contributions to others.
- Our attitude. The way we act within the team will influence the way others perceive us and the role they assign to us.
Carmen has been entrusted to lead this project because of her good team management.
- The other person's perception of us. It is not enough to have or believe that we have a certain attitude. How others perceive that attitude is crucial.
Carlos participates and the others perceive that what he says is coherent and interesting.
There may be people who, despite making good contributions, are not well perceived because of the way they communicate (tone of voice, language, etc.). There are different types of informal roles:
• Mediator: one who is characterised by being a good leader, calm in speech and open-minded.
Would Jorge be a good example of this, or perhaps Carmen?
• Analytical: systematic, organised and perfectionist.
Could we identify Mary in this informal role?
• Egomaniac: an extrovert person who is often arrogant and aggressive. • Cooperative: possesses interpersonal skills, is a balanced individual and is concerned with the common good of the team. • Manipulative: he is an individualistic person and cares first and foremost about his personal success, even if it is at the cost of stepping on the toes of others.
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