Balanced self-confidence is indispensable for effective team leadership. It is necessary to have confidence in oneself, but also in others, knowing how to transmit this confidence to others, so that the process is reciprocal. Listening, delegating, communicating are attitudes that can help us. A narcissistic leader does not listen, he only trusts his own proposals and decisions. With this attitude it is very difficult to work in a group as we conceive it. At the other extreme, we have the individual who does not trust himself, who needs the acceptance of others and who needs others to constantly confirm the decisions he occasionally makes. Such individuals are unlikely to be able to lead a team.


This is a basic quality when you want to be respected by your team. In the eyes of colleagues, it is important:

• Be honest and sincere. • Act in accordance with their values and promises. • Make sure that you are not going to let others down with your performance.

"Raúl, as a leader, measures each of his actions; I have never been able to detect any inconsistency between what he says and what he does. He is a person who instils confidence".


The enthusiasm increases the team's motivation for the work, which has an impact on the final quality of the work. It should be borne in mind that:

Being enthusiastic about the work and being able to enthuse all members of the team is a characteristic that is conducive to the leadership function.


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