Are we a good team?
The following questions will help you to make a diagnosis of your team:
• Do you feel that the goal set is shared by all members? • Is each member of the team assigned a specific role? • Is everyone clear about the role of others or is there a danger of blurred boundaries between roles? • Are all possible tasks assigned? • Is there harmony within the team? • Do all members feel integrated? • Is there a cooperative environment? • Do you organise social gatherings outside of work? • How would you define communication, is it fluid, what could be improved? • Do you feel there is a balance between what you give and what you receive? • Does each person have a role and status that is respected by other members? • Do all members feel responsible for the success of the team? • In the face of failure, do they tend to look for culprits or do they take it as a whole? • Do they celebrate success?
3.3. How to facilitate team cohesion
It is important that a team feels cohesive. If there is no cohesion, a lot of energy can be wasted on internal tensions and such important elements of teamwork as sharing ideas, opinions, mutual support will not be effective.
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