analysis of our needs, interests and desires. • Breaking point. This is the point below which it is better not to close the deal, as the consequences of a bad deal would be worse than breaking off the negotiation. A good system for clearly defining this point is to ask what will happen if we do not reach an agreement? Analysing the consequences of no agreement will make it easier to establish how far we are willing to go. Once the negotiation limits for each of the variables have been defined, they should not be changed. In the heat of negotiation, pressures and the desire to reach an agreement quickly may tempt us to accept agreements below their breaking point. Before doing so, it is better to ask for a postponement and to reanalyse coolly outside the negotiating framework. At that moment of reflection, we must ask ourselves why we defined that limit and analyse the consequences of modifying it. Only in this way will we be able to control our emotions and avoid reaching agreements that we may later regret.

Basically, the combination of the limits of the negotiating parties can present the three situations set out in the following points:

10.1.1. There is a field of agreement

The field of agreement is the area in which the final agreement will be established. However, such a situation does not at any point guarantee agreement, i.e. it is a necessary but not sufficient position.


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