Two important aspects when we talk about entrepreneurship are creativity and innovation, as they are what awaken the initiative to carry out a project based on interesting ideas that may occur to us at a certain moment or after correctly recognising a need that we want to solve in a particular group. All innovation begins with creative ideas. However, creativity by itself is not a sufficient condition for innovation. Firstly, innovation, as a tool for entrepreneurship, requires creativity, understood as the ability to make or bring to life something new, which does not necessarily have to be novel. It can comprise a new solution to a problem, a new method or device that we want to implement, or simply the introduction of a new object or artistic form. In other words, it involves a movement from the known to the unknown. We see that today's companies are operating in a world of constant change in which new problems, new risks and opportunities arise. In this sense, it is necessary to mobilise resources before the effects of these changes are felt. On the other hand, we must understand that creativity is not the ability to create something out of nothing, but to generate new ideas by combining, changing or reapplying them. Every person has a creative side, but is not aware of it, as it is an attitude in which we are able to accept change and novelty. It alludes to a flexibility of perspective and enjoyment of things while seeking to improve them. Likewise, technological and scientific advances, such as the Internet, have become available to the general public, turning information into a "commodity"; a basic and generic commodity. In this way, a series of structural changes have taken place in the business environment that have highlighted the importance of intangibles such as the power of brands and the intellectual capital of companies (Davis & Davis, 1999) in generating sustainable competitive advantages.
European Open Business School
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