2) Sometimes, you don't have a deep knowledge of an industry to find an innovative business idea, but you have an extraordinary passion around that business. This is a great driver for generating innovative business ideas. Usually if the entrepreneur has a special passion for a certain business, the passion will have led to a deep understanding of the business and with it perhaps the possibility of finding an innovative business idea. 3) Another interesting "place" to look at innovative business ideas can be to look at experiences that have been successful in other markets, with other segments, etc. Think, for example, of successful car sharing experiences imported from other European cities, the Privalia model "imported" from the successful French model of Vente Privée, etc. How to look? You can only find innovative business ideas if you look with curious eyes, those that emanate from the "drivers" of passion and the search for that "pain factor" with respect to the current status quo. Technology is a natural driver for generating business ideas, but not the only one. Innovation is a higher concept than technology. What it does seem is that the product-only business model is dead. Nike doesn't just sell trainers, that was in the past, now they have built a platform that connects a person's smartphone with data and information of value to the person wearing their trainers. Being very futuristic and disruptive, could it sell people's data in the future and almost give the shoes away for free? Another interesting "place" to look at innovative business ideas can be to look at experiences that have been successful in other markets, with other segments, etc. Think for example of successful car sharing experiences imported from other European cities, the Privalia model "imported" from the successful French model of Vente Privée, etc. Platform economies" are developing: businesses based on the use of cloud platforms, smartphone apps and social networks to manage business activities.
Ideas and business models based on collaborative economy platforms with more or less specialisation (verticality) are also undergoing extraordinary development.
European Open Business School
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