Steve Blank's (one of the most prestigious modern authors on entrepreneurship) definition of a start-up places the business model at the core of the company: "A start-up is an organisation created to discover a repeatable and scalable business model". Remember that an entrepreneur is someone who is launching a new product or service in an environment of high uncertainty, with high risk-taking and a clear vision of the future. For Eric Ries Eric Ries, influencer and author of the bestseller The Lean Startup, (another successful author of modern entrepreneurship) does not depend on whether it is done from a small start-up or from a large corporation. What matters are the challenges you face and the circumstances you face. And this can happen equally in all kinds of sectors, if the circumstances described above are met. This definition includes in the same group the more traditional view of someone who creates a company from scratch and the intra-entrepreneur as someone who launches new projects within a large company or institution. Lean Startup is a business management system aimed at startups and entrepreneurs. It is a methodology for launching new business projects, which seeks to create profitable and scalable companies by reducing risk to a minimum. The aim of this methodology is to shorten product development cycles, mainly based on three tools:

1.) Business Model Canvas: System for defining the business model and asking yourself the necessary questions.

2.) Customer Development o Desarrollo Orientado al Cliente: The ideal formula for obtaining the information you need from the environment and potential customers. Useful for validating hypotheses or withdrawing them.

The traditional model of bringing products to market until the advent of the term coined by Steve Blank, Customer Development, was to simply do a product development that covered the following phases:

• Conceptualise a product or service. • Develop the product or service . • Conduct a test. • Launch the product or service on the market.


European Open Business School

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