Brochure GGSJ-EOBS Financial 2020
Learning Outcomes from the Certificate
Understand the basic notions and building blocks that support innovation and technology developments in finance • Get a deep knowledge of the drivers of innovation in the finance sector • Obtain a solid understanding of new technology tools • Be aware of the new requirements for social responsibility and sustaina- bility for the investments • Apply the rules learned in the regulation and compliance course to have a better insight of the best practices for the business and its relationship to customers • Allows students to be better prepared to new future challenges that new markets and situations may bring
Typical job areas for Certificate holders
▶ Risk Management: credit, market and operational risk ▶ Data analysis ▶ Machine Learning , Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence analysts ▶ Cryptocurrencies and software analysts ▶ Consulting
▶ Derivatives and Securities ▶ Asset Management ▶ Model Validation ▶ Hedge funds ▶ Regulation and Compliance
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