Brochure GGSJ-EOBS Financial 2020

The new financial professional

The CFE is designed to train

▶ Students who graduated recently, with a background in the quantitative sciences, business, economics, engineering and finance, who either: - are looking to enter the financial sector in a technical position, - want to pursue a career in the financial sector but want a solid unders - tanding of the technology elements which are reshaping the industry - aspire to manage investment portfolios or aim a career which makes heavy use of quantitative analysis ▶ Young professionals working in the finance industry who: - need to have a solid foundation on the new technologies and quantita- tive disciplines in order to advance their careers - are looking to change their career path towards the quantitative or technology part of the finance spectrum - want to be aware of the new developments and disruptions which are happening in the financial sector ▶ Established professionals who: - need to stay current in the innovation themes related to technologies as they pertain specifically to the finance industry - want to stay ahead of the curve of innovation and digital transformation - are in managerial roles, conducting teams who are active in the quanti- tative or technology space


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