The topics were well defined, all participants were called 10 days in advance and a room was sought where they could be comfortable and isolated.
However, the meeting took longer than it should have and Ed ended the meeting very stressed. He had to put all his interpersonal skills to the test to lead the participants to the objectives of the meeting.
Why not participate?
• Have the same purpose.... • Natural shyness
Ana didn't say anything. I know she is good at her job, yet she finds it difficult to express herself.
It is important to pay attention to the possible shyness of the participants; their contributions may be important for the team, this should be conveyed to them without forcing the situation.
We should never complain about the poor participation of a particular individual, it is always preferable to politely invite participation:
Ana, that floral design idea you told me about is a good one, why don't you present it briefly to the others?
• Due to demotivation
It is important to analyse the causes of demotivation: Are the objectives not achievable? Is the project not motivating? Does the group not feel valued? Does it not believe in the project? Encourage the team at all times.
• By inhibition
The intervention of the participants should maintain a climate of cordiality and
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