Irene is very clear that she has to make each member aware of the feeling of belonging to a team working for a common project.
It is important for workers to be involved in the organisation and to contribute ideas.
The individual should be aware of the importance of the responsibility he/she is accepting; this will increase his/her commitment.
It is essential that, as far as possible, freedom of action is allowed, so as to encourage the creation of more experience. The aim is to provide the maximum sense of self-realisation.
The information
Information should flow freely among all members of the team.
Irene will take great care over the flow of information within her department, ensuring that everyone receives information equally, avoiding the existence of individuals who act as mediators, as this would give them a higher hierarchical status than their colleagues. It is really annoying to find out from third parties about news that affects us personally. What's more, if this happens regularly, we will undoubtedly feel that we are being left out. Which methods to use? Communication is fundamental. A team with a communication deficit can become a demotivated team. Provide all necessary information.
6.6. Self-motivation
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