Brochure GGSJ-EOBS Financial 2020
Centre of Digital Management and Technology Innovation
The GGSJ Centre vision
The last technology revolution occurred as information exchanges developed on the internet, giving rise to on-line com- merce, virtual communities, customer profiling and unprecedented marketing activities. The next technology revolution may disrupt human interaction, from deve- loping instantaneous “worth exchanges” to altering the way we relate to each other. All of this is creating opportunities for new bu- siness but challenges for old ones, as well as altering the educational needs of individuals at a faster rate than Universities can handle. GGSJ is aiming to develop a private sector approach to a Dynamic University Model
GGSJ’s positioning is clustered around three main pillars: ▶ Education: professional training programs, graduate diplomas, certifications, seminars, etc. aiming to provide individuals with access to information and education on all aspects of science technology relevant to contemporary businesses. ▶ Research: fuel innovation by conducting research activities, producing research papers, technical reports and consulting activities. ▶ Technology transfer: assist commercial enterprises with product creation and enhancement utilizing the know-how generated by GGSJ.
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