Brochure GGSJ-EOBS Financial 2020



Maria Quintanilla

University of Toronto

Linear Algebra

Xandra Farkas

Regulator and Consultant, Switzerland

Advanced Calculus

Santiago Carrillo

Universidad Autónoma, Madrid


Lexuri Fernández

Technische Universität, München

Stats & Stochastic Proc.

Prof. David Saunders

University of Waterloo

Differential Equations

Prof. Rudi Zagst

Technische Universität, München


Jonathan Mostovoy

University of Toronto

Monte Carlo Methods

Alik Sokolov

University of Toronto

Data Science

Naveen Kalia

University of Toronto


Prof. Luis Seco

University of Toronto

Investm. and Finance

Xandra Farkas

Regulator and Consultant, Switzerland

Ethical & Standard

Prof. Walter Farkas

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Introduction financial Derivatives

Scholarships and Financing Our scholarship program allows students with financial barriers to take the CFE training and advance in their careers. These scholarships are directed to University graduates in the last two years. and are valid for each level. Financial Aid: 1. Academic Scholarships. For students with excellent university transcript. Value: $2000 2. Bright Future Scholarships. For students that excel expectations in their careers and show a bright future in industry. Value: $2000 3. Internship Scholarships. For Students that have excellent communication skills and a good university record. Value: $2000 4. ESG Scholarship. For students and young professionals whose future investment ideas excel in environmental, social and sustainability factors. Value: $2500


Several options, 1. Line of credit of CAD $6000 with 0% financing for 6 months 2. Monthly instalments of $1000 for 6 months for the first level.

› Program Launch: October 1, 2020 ‹ › ‣ Program Starts: November 23, 2020 ‹


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