Brochure GGSJ-EOBS Financial 2020
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Centre of Digital Management and Technology Innovation
Certificate in FINANCIAL
01 • Get To Know Us
02 • Why choose EOBS
03 • GGSJ Vision
04 • A Certificate For A World Financial Innovation 05 • The new financial professional
06 • Learning Outcomes from the
Certificate 07 • Typical job areas for Certificate holders 09 08 • Benefit of the program 10 09 • CFE Curriculum 11 10 • Academic Director for the Certificate 12 11 • Instructors 12 12 • Scholarship and Financing 15 13 • EOBS Awards 17 14 • I nternational Agreements 17 15 • Partner Companies 18
Get To Know Us
European Open Business School and the GGSJ Centre of Digital Management and Technology In- novation join forces in a unique partnership: With the contribution of our main resources and combi- ning the academic experience of the institutions, we offer a programwith solid and innovative training.
Our constant capacity for innovation and improvement has led us to be part of the world’s top Spanish-speaking online business schools. This means that we effectively use the advan- tages offered by the Internet and new technologies to develop top quality programmes in the field of top business management, offering students the possibility of studying from anywhere in the world and with the timetable that best suits their needs.
It will be the students themselves who, according to their academic and professional needs, will carry out their own study plan within the School.
Why choose EOBS
FACULTY The European Open Business School’s faculty is made up of experienced teachers. Active professionals, who are in continuous contact with the reality of the sector and the courses they teach, thus giving it an added value. BLOCKCHAIN With Blockchain you can check the veracity of a student who has successfully finished his studies in our organization. It serves to prove the information registered without the possibility that all this information is altered or modified in any way, which is very useful to avoid the falsification of degrees.
PLATFORM A Virtual Campus with its own design mounted on the best technological tools on the market to guarantee maximum performance in a pleasant and intuitive environment.
Centre of Digital Management and Technology Innovation
The GGSJ Centre vision
The last technology revolution occurred as information exchanges developed on the internet, giving rise to on-line com- merce, virtual communities, customer profiling and unprecedented marketing activities. The next technology revolution may disrupt human interaction, from deve- loping instantaneous “worth exchanges” to altering the way we relate to each other. All of this is creating opportunities for new bu- siness but challenges for old ones, as well as altering the educational needs of individuals at a faster rate than Universities can handle. GGSJ is aiming to develop a private sector approach to a Dynamic University Model
GGSJ’s positioning is clustered around three main pillars: ▶ Education: professional training programs, graduate diplomas, certifications, seminars, etc. aiming to provide individuals with access to information and education on all aspects of science technology relevant to contemporary businesses. ▶ Research: fuel innovation by conducting research activities, producing research papers, technical reports and consulting activities. ▶ Technology transfer: assist commercial enterprises with product creation and enhancement utilizing the know-how generated by GGSJ.
A certificate for a world of Financial innovation
The financial industry is undergoing fundamental changes. New technolo - gies affect the relationships with customers and they are disrupting the forces that drive competition at the same time as regulation is affecting new ways of doing business. The rapid change of industries across all sectors is creating the need for pro- fessionals to adapt to skills in parallel to their daily occupation. This Certificate is designed to train individuals to have a solid foundation on the new discipli- nes that are needed to success in today’s environment. GGSJ’s curriculum of the CFE includes a comprehensive coverage of the various contemporary elements of technology as it relates to the financial sector, f rom Machine Learning to BlockChains, f rom Data Science to new advances in regulation. Our training offering is designed to serve candida- tes worldwide while we work with financial institutions internationally to promote a new standard of training. The CFE is regulated by committees of international experts. The certificate consists of 3 levels with the corresponding exams conducted upon comple- tion of the training program of each level. A passed-exam after level 3 will meet the criteria for the issuance of the certificate by the Fields Institute. The benefits of the certificate are: 1. Recognized globally 2. Supported by some of the main banks worldwide 3. Reasonable cost 4. Certified by a renowned academic institution: the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, based in Toronto, Canada. 5. Builds on successful finance programs at the Universities in Toronto, Waterloo, Zurich, Munich and Madrid - Bringing the signature programme of GGSJ Centre certificate of financial engineering.
The new financial professional
The CFE is designed to train
▶ Students who graduated recently, with a background in the quantitative sciences, business, economics, engineering and finance, who either: - are looking to enter the financial sector in a technical position, - want to pursue a career in the financial sector but want a solid unders - tanding of the technology elements which are reshaping the industry - aspire to manage investment portfolios or aim a career which makes heavy use of quantitative analysis ▶ Young professionals working in the finance industry who: - need to have a solid foundation on the new technologies and quantita- tive disciplines in order to advance their careers - are looking to change their career path towards the quantitative or technology part of the finance spectrum - want to be aware of the new developments and disruptions which are happening in the financial sector ▶ Established professionals who: - need to stay current in the innovation themes related to technologies as they pertain specifically to the finance industry - want to stay ahead of the curve of innovation and digital transformation - are in managerial roles, conducting teams who are active in the quanti- tative or technology space
Learning Outcomes from the Certificate
Understand the basic notions and building blocks that support innovation and technology developments in finance • Get a deep knowledge of the drivers of innovation in the finance sector • Obtain a solid understanding of new technology tools • Be aware of the new requirements for social responsibility and sustaina- bility for the investments • Apply the rules learned in the regulation and compliance course to have a better insight of the best practices for the business and its relationship to customers • Allows students to be better prepared to new future challenges that new markets and situations may bring
Typical job areas for Certificate holders
▶ Risk Management: credit, market and operational risk ▶ Data analysis ▶ Machine Learning , Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence analysts ▶ Cryptocurrencies and software analysts ▶ Consulting
▶ Derivatives and Securities ▶ Asset Management ▶ Model Validation ▶ Hedge funds ▶ Regulation and Compliance
The CFE program will allow university graduates to stay current to industrial developments and access new jobs which are being created in an industry in constant expansion. It will allow certificate holders to expand their training and professional horizons globally, it will allow corporations worldwide to reach into rich body of expertise that the different levels of the certification in the program provides. The certificate curriculum builds on the highly successful Quantitative Finance Programs at Universities worldwide into the signature pro- gram of GGSJ Centre, bringing together the traditional expertise required in the financial sector with new developments that technology is introducing, such as AI/ML, Data Science and Blockchains. Benefit of the Program
CFE LEVEL 3 RISK, REGULATION AND COMPLIANCE • Market and Credit Risk Management • Financial Risks • ESG • Regulation and Compliance • Cybersecurity
APPLIED MATHEMATICS • Linear Algebra • Advanced Calculus • Probability and Statistics • Statistics and Stochastic Processes • Differential Equations • MonteCarlo Methods • Optimization • Introduction to Data Science
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES • Time Series Modelling • Stochastic Calculus III • Big Data & Analytics • Deep Learning • Blockchains • Product Management
ECONOMICS, INVESTMENTS AND FINANCE • Economics • Investments and Finance
• Introduction to Financial Derivatives • Ethical and Professional Standards CFE LEVEL 2 FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT • Investment Portfolio Management
• Option Pricing • Risk Regulation
QUANTITATIVE METHODS • Linear Regression Models • Numerical Methods I • Stochastic Calculus II • Machine Learning Methods
CFE Curriculum
▶ Each level:
- 24 weeks - 10 hours per week - 240 hours Each level consist of 24 weeks of online instruction divided in 2 modules.
Academic Director of the Certificate
Prof. Luis Seco Luis Seco is the Chief Executive Office of the GGSJ Centre of Digital Management and Technology Innovation, an institution designed to leverage the University network worldwide to promote training and research broadly in the areaswhere technology is bringing disruption, including education; he is also the Director of theMathematical Finance Program and Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toronto. He is also President and CEO of Sigma Analysis and Management, a portfolio management firm that specializes in absolute return products and research, and managing director of Angelstar Gmbh, a German joint venture of Sigma with a local family office. He has authored numerous papers in financial risk management, investments and market models, and has won a number of research awards. Prof. Seco holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University, is the director of RiskLab, an international research partnership of Universities and companies in the financial risk management sector. He has been a Bateman Instructor at the California Institute of Technology. He has won, beyond others, the research awards “Caballero de la Orden del Merito Civil”and “NSERC Synergy Award”. Instructors
Rudi Zagst Professor of Mathematical Finance at the Technical University of Munich, Head of the Chair of Mathemati - cal Finance, Head of the ERGO Center of Excellence in Insurance, Deputy Chairman of the Elite graduate pro - gram “Finance & Information Management”, advisor of the Investment Committee of the Bavarian Research Foundation, member of the Steering Committee of the Professional Risk Management International Associa - tion (Munich Chapter), associate editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance. He obtained the doctoral de - gree from the University of Ulm in 1991. He has authored numerous books and over 100 papers in mathematical finance, risk management, and asset management, ha - ving published, beyond others, in Review of Derivatives Research, European Journal of Operations Research, OR Spectrum, and Quantitative Finance. He has supervised more than 100 Master’s students and more than 10 doc - toral students. He was awarded “Professor of the Year 2007” by the magazine UnicumBeruf for linking practice and education in an outstanding way. Alik Sokolov Alik combines a pragmatic approach to data science with deep industry and domain knowledge, statistical rigour and innovate machine learning tools to connect and unlock value in structured and unstructured data. Alik has applied machine learning across a wide ran - ge of business problems, including customer acqui - sition and retention, segmentation, fraud, pricing and risk, productivity optimization, and in helping structure text data such as social media, customer complaints, and claims notes. Alik is currently working in the ven - ture capital space and has previously spent 6 years building algorithms and leading machine learning and product development initiatives in Deloitte Canada’s
AI Practice. Alik also holds a HBSc degree in Financial Mathematics from the University of Toronto, and a Mas - ter’s Degree in Mathematics from the University of To - ronto. He has also completed his CFA designation. Alik is also currently teaching a Machine Learning course at the Master’s of Mathematical Finance program at the University of Toronto, as well as teaching, participating in workshops and speaking on machine learning and its FSI applications globally. Alik also heads up the ma - chine learning-driven research projects at RiskLab as a director of machine learning, which research focusing on applications of modern deep learning to classical and novel quantitative finance problems. Naveen Kalia Mr. Naveen Kalia is a senior Consultant at the TD Bank, Toronto. He has lectured at NewYork University and has an ample experience in the areas of trading, banking and finance, having worked at the Citadel Investment Group in New York, at Deutsche Bank in Singapore and London, at Bank of America, Singapore where he was an Oil Products trader, and Goldman Sachs, Toronto. He is a graduate of the Masters in Mathematical Finance at the University of Toronto and holds a CFA. He is a fan of Boxing, Brazilian Ju- Jitsu, Cycling, Snooker, Swimming, Basketball, Softball, Skiing and Traveling. Dave Saunders David Saunders is an Associate Professor in the De - partment of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the Uni - versity ofWaterloo, and Director of the University ofWa - terloo’s Masters in Quantitative Finance program. His is the author of many articles on the subjects of risk mana - gement, portfolio optimization and derivatives pricing.
Jonathan Mostovoy Jonathan is the Managing Director for Research & Part - nerships at RiskLab Toronto, and a Ph.D. Candidate for Mathematics at the University of Toronto. While his per - sonal research interests now focus on pure mathema - tics, Jonathan comes from an academic background in applied mathematics, economics, statistics, and finance. Jonathan’s professional experience includes working on Capula Investment Management’s trading floor at their headquarters in London, UK – the largest relative value hedge fund in the world. Santiago Carrillo Dr. Santiago Carrillo Menéndez has been the CEO of Quantitative Risk Research, S.L. (QRR) since June 2006. Santiago has been a professor in the Math Department of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), a position he has held since October 1st 1976. He is Board Mem - ber and Chairman of the Risk Committee of BME Clearing (CCP), since September 2013. Santiago received his PhD in Mathematics from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), and his 2nd PhD in Science from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In 1990 he became Director of the Department of Mathematics at UAM and held this po - sition for 3 years. He then became the Dean of the Science Faculty at UAM (two mandates) for the next 6 years. Since 1998, Santiago has been the Director of RiskLab-Madrid at UAM. He is an instructor with the MMF Program and has authored many prestigious articles and papers. Walter Farkas Walter Farkas is a Professor of Quantitative Finance at the Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich and an Associate Faculty member of the De - partment of Mathematics of ETH Zurich since 2009. Moreover he is a faculty member of the Swiss Finance institute (SFI) - a network of all Finance and Finance rela - ted professors from Universities from Switzerland. Prof. Farkas is also the program director of the Master Science in Quantitative Finance, a specialized degree jointly offered by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich since 2003. Since 2013 he is one of the two co-presidents of the Swiss Risk Association, a non-profit organization and an open forum for facilitating the dialog on risk management. Prof. Farkas is a Certified Board member and advised two of the Big4 companies between 2007 and 2014. His research covers the broad areas of Financial Modelling, Mathematical Finance and Quantitative Risk Management. Lexuri Fernández Lexuri Fernández holds a Bachelor degree in Mathe - matics from the University of the Basque Country. After her graduation in 2008, Lexuri joined the inter-university Master Program ‘Quantitative Finance and Banking’ at the University of the Basque Country. In September 2015 she completed her PhD ‘Selec - ted Topics in Financial engineering: First-exit times and
dependence structures of Marshall—Olkin kind’ at the University of the Basque Country under the supervision of Prof. Dr, Matthias Scherer (TUM) and Prof. Dr. Luis A. Seco (University of Toronto). From March 2012 to July 2015 she has been at the Chair of Mathematical Finance (TUM), Germany, and since February 2016 she is a Post - doc. In 2017 she has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Université Catholic de Louvain (UCL), Belgium. María Quintanilla Maria is the Managing Director for Training and Inter - national Relations at Risklab at the University of Toronto. Maria holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Toronto. She has done numerous research projects wi - thin the Risklab environment and with Ryerson Universi - ty. Her strengths are in the areas of Applied Mathematics with special focus in Risk Management. Xandra Farkas Lecturer for Operations Research Department of Busi - ness Administration, University of Zurich Education - SAA fully qualified Actuary, Swiss Associa - tion of Actuaries, Master of Advanced Studies in Finan - ce, UZH & ETH (joint degree), Master of Science in Ma - thematics, University of Munich (Major / Minor: Financial Mathematics /Computer Sciences), Licence Diploma in Mathematics (Dipl. Math.), University of Bucharest Current Professional Activities - Managing Director, Blockchain Center, University of Zurich http://blockchain. . Lecturer: Professionalismus Kurs für Aktuare, Swiss Association of Actuaries. Manager, Chapter for Re - gulatory Developments, Swiss Risk Association. https:// Professional Interests - Regulatory Capital and Super - visory Requirements for Banking and Insurance, focus on SST, S II, Basel III. Entreprise Risk Management, Fi - nancial Modelling, Insurance Pricing and Reserving, Operational Risk, Cyber Risk and GDPR, Blockchain, Di - gitalization / FinTech Professional Background - Senior Actuarial Consul - tant, ZIG & AON (2016-2019), Financial and Insurance Risk Management, Specialist, FINMA (Financial Super - visory Authority of Switzerland) (2011-2016), Pricing Ac - tuary, Allianz Suisse & AXA Winterthur (2007-2011) Lec - turer: University of Zurich, ETH Zürich, ZHAW, University of Munich, University of Bucharest) Ivy Wang Senior Risk Advisor, Ontario Financing Authority, Ministry of Finance, China Initiatives Lead.
Maria Quintanilla
University of Toronto
Linear Algebra
Xandra Farkas
Regulator and Consultant, Switzerland
Advanced Calculus
Santiago Carrillo
Universidad Autónoma, Madrid
Lexuri Fernández
Technische Universität, München
Stats & Stochastic Proc.
Prof. David Saunders
University of Waterloo
Differential Equations
Prof. Rudi Zagst
Technische Universität, München
Jonathan Mostovoy
University of Toronto
Monte Carlo Methods
Alik Sokolov
University of Toronto
Data Science
Naveen Kalia
University of Toronto
Prof. Luis Seco
University of Toronto
Investm. and Finance
Xandra Farkas
Regulator and Consultant, Switzerland
Ethical & Standard
Prof. Walter Farkas
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Introduction financial Derivatives
Scholarships and Financing Our scholarship program allows students with financial barriers to take the CFE training and advance in their careers. These scholarships are directed to University graduates in the last two years. and are valid for each level. Financial Aid: 1. Academic Scholarships. For students with excellent university transcript. Value: $2000 2. Bright Future Scholarships. For students that excel expectations in their careers and show a bright future in industry. Value: $2000 3. Internship Scholarships. For Students that have excellent communication skills and a good university record. Value: $2000 4. ESG Scholarship. For students and young professionals whose future investment ideas excel in environmental, social and sustainability factors. Value: $2500
Several options, 1. Line of credit of CAD $6000 with 0% financing for 6 months 2. Monthly instalments of $1000 for 6 months for the first level.
› Program Launch: October 1, 2020 ‹ › ‣ Program Starts: November 23, 2020 ‹
EOBS Awards
The AEEN (Spanish Association of Business Schools) is an association formed in July 2008 by eleven Private Business Schools, nationwide, with the aim of con- tributing, in a collegial manner, to the process of developing managers throu- gh Professional Master’s programmes that allow their students to obtain highly effective business results. Its mission is to promote the Professional Master’s as fundamental programmes in the specialised training of executives, from a conceptual point of view and from the requirement and acceptance of quality standards, referring both to the programmes themselves and to the training and experience of the teachers and the methods and systems of teaching applied. In EOBS we are proud to share that during two consecutive editions of these AEEN Awards, our Business School has had the great honor that several of our associate professors received the AEEN Business School Teacher Award 2018 and 2017. Vicente Ferrero Muñoz Professor Award Business School AEEN 2017 Silvia Constanza Contreras Jurado Professor Award Business School AEEN 2017 Jorge López-Cifre Professor Award Business School AEEN 2018 Isidro Sánchez-Crespo Professor Award Business School AEEN 2018
Instituto Internacional del Capital Humano
Centre of Digital Management & Technology Innovation MaRS Discovery District, West Tower 661 University Avenue, Suite 1120 Toronto Ontario M5G 1M1 - Canada
European Open Business School Calle Chile 4, Edificio 1, Oficina 1, Bajo Las Matas - Las Rozas, CP. 28290 Madrid - España TLF: +34 91 905 89 55 EMAIL:
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